Tuesday, 20 July 2010

Let it rain!

Today, I walked in the rain.  I felt each little drop as it fell on my face, my head, my arms and my hands.  My feet stepping into puddles of water, and getting the bottom of my jeans wet.  And I was in no hurry.  I took my time, enjoying the rain.  I was not cross with myself because I had forgotten to take something to keep me dry when I left home.  In fact, when I stepped out, I had the opportunity to get a raincoat when I saw the dark clouds....but I thought.....what the heck...I'll take a chance!

And so that's what I did....I took a chance, and well, it did start to rain.  But it was the best feeling in the world!  I loved every little drop that splashed onto me.  And as I walked along the river, in the rain, I took in the beauty of the rain falling on the water,the steady splashes and I stopped to smell the rain falling on the ground. There is nothing more lovely than the smell of rain on a summers day. 

Some days the rain is not as pleasant, and I guess that's just our perspective because of where we are at, in our lives.  Right now, I guess you could say I'm in a bit of crises and should be freaking out.  But I am not.  I am loving the rain.  I am taking a chance because I know that I have walked through so many rain storms, some I hated every second and some I loved, but I always come through them regardless, I just shook it off and waited for the sun to shine again. 

But the truth I guess could also be that I feel incredibly loved.  More loved than I have ever been.  By family, friends, my children and my wonderful soul mate.  Its bigger than any raincoat, umbrella or shelter that keeps us dry from the rain. 

~ Rain is grace; rain is the sky condescending to the earth; without rain, there would be no life. ~ John Updike

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